Saturday, May 9, 2009


Something I learned a while ago:

Peacock = male peacock
Peahen = female peacock

So following that same logic, I say that peacock chicks should be called peababies. (If that doesn't make sense to you, tough. I like the word 'peababies'.)

Now that I've gotten that out of the way, here's what we saw on our visit to Byodo-In Temple last week Friday.

Peahens & peababies!!

They were super cute and would stick close to their mama. John followed them into the bamboo grove and got some better pictures of the peababies (and also got eaten alive by mosquitoes). They didn't seem to be too afraid of humans and the mama peahen was actually more upset at the presence of another peahen than us. We almost witnessed a peahen beatdown!

It was my first time visiting Byodo-In Temple. It was much smaller than I thought it was going to be. There were also TONS of mosquitoes. If you're prone to mosquito bites, beware. Make sure you use some sort of insect repellent or else you'll end up with 30 mosquito bites like me. John got about 20.... Morning light is supposed to be better for photos. On the day we went, it started to get busy at around 11 a.m., which is when the tour buses started to come and drop all their passengers off.

But it's definitely a beautiful place, even in black & white. =)

(Oh, and by the way, peacock chicks are actually called peachicks but it's so much more fun to call them peababies....)


  1. Your first time to Byodo-In ever? Weren't you born and raised on Oahu?

    Very nice photos, btw. =)

  2. Yup, pretty much been on Oahu my whole entire life (29 years!) and only visited Byodo-In for the very first time last week Friday. I know, I know, that's so pathetic!

  3. I like peababies. Much more fun than peachicks. I live just down the road from the Byodo-In and I still haven't been! Prolly should do that, huh?

  4. Becky, you definitely should! Don't forget the bug spray! =)

    Hoomaluhia Botanical Garden is also another cool spot that's pretty close to where you are. We used to go and feed the ducks down at the pond. I haven't been there in ages but maybe I can convince John to take me there soon.


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