Thursday, June 25, 2009

Here kitty kitty!

To apologize and make up for the recent lack of blogging on my part, here's a picture of a cat.

(If you're not a cat person, sorry!)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yoga Sundays

Our wonderful friend, Jill, has been studying yoga for years now and recently decided that she wanted to pursue teaching yoga. She needed some test subjects, guinea pigs to hone her teaching skills on so we volunteered. (Or wait, maybe we were volunteered??) We meet every Sunday morning at 9 a.m. and have been doing this for a little over a month now.

It's been a fun, interesting, and sometimes painful (but in a good way) month. We always feel nice and relaxed after our yoga sessions. The muscles usually hurt the day after but that means that those muscles are being stretched and worked, which is a good thing!

Here's some of our favorite and not so favorite yoga poses. Or for those of you studying yoga, shall I say 'asanas'? =)

All yoga man drawings from here.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Saturday night snorkeling at Hanauma Bay

...was a total bust. Too many people, super high tide, way huge waves.

Man, I even put on my wetsuit for this. If you've never put on a full wetsuit, you have no idea what an ordeal this is. It's even worse when you're putting it on home, on a 90+ degree day with no air conditioning.

Although it didn't look hopeful for a good snorkel, John and I decided to give it a try. I got all the way to the water with my full wetsuit on, hair pulled back off my face, fins on my feet, and waterproof flashlight and mask in hand, when John asked me where my snorkel was. Oopsie. It was all the way on shore in my bag.

Learn from my absent-mindedness. You might want to double-check to see if you have your snorkel before getting into the water to snorkel. =P

Hanauma Bay is open until 10pm every other Saturday night. Maybe we'll see you there! Don't forget your snorkel!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Damn it Disney, why do you make me cry?

Last night, John and I finally went to go see Disney & Pixar's latest movie, UP. It was a really good movie, REALLY good. Very cute, very fantastical, and yet really touching. We didn't see it in 3-D (thought it might be a little distracting from the story) but now I'm curious about what it's like in 3-D. This movie is actually one that I wouldn't mind auctioning off my kidney to watch again. I also would love to see this movie on BluRay. What Pixar is able to accomplish with itsy bitsy details like the texture of a character's tweed jacket or their chin stubble is seriously awe-inspiring.

However, beware, this movie may make you cry. If you're married, or engaged, or not-yet-engaged-but-100%-sure-you'll-marry-your-current-significant-other, beware, this movie may make you cry. And in the first 5 minutes, nonetheless. I wasn't the only one crying. A woman sitting in front of me was dabbing at her eyes with some tissue. At least she came prepared!

Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc., and Finding Nemo. Damn you also for making me cry.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Shark's Cove, North Shore

We woke up bright and early on Saturday morning and headed out to Shark's Cove for a morning dive with John's spearfishing & freediving friend, Mark. It was Mark's idea to get into the water at 6:30 a.m. Yes, 6:30 AM. We thought he was crazy but it actually worked out well because at around 8:30 a.m., I counted at least 50 divers in the water.

Here's a peek at what John was shooting in the water.

And here's a peek at what I was shooting above water.

Since I'm not a water person, I usually end up putzing around and taking pictures of either my slippers or my rings while waiting for John to come out. Yeah, lame, I know.

One of these days, I'm going to get into the water. One of these days....

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Must. Get. This. Keyboard.

Unfortunately, this adorable Japanese goldfish design was only available for a limited time and is no longer being sold.

I love this so much that I'm entertaining the crazy idea of buying an extra keyboard, pulling off all the keys, getting creative with washi paper and Mod Podge, and making one by myself. Now THAT would be quite the ambitious DIY project!

If goldfish aren't your thing, how about cherry blossoms or bunnies?


There's also gold leaf and black leather covered keyboards, if cherry blossoms and bunnies are a bit too frou frou for you.

Available at Wazakura Koubou (Japanese language site)

I've hit the mother lode!

I don't quite remember how I stumbled upon this because I was up waaaaay too early this morning to be fully awake. (John left for Maui for a conference and was up at around 5:00 a.m. Ouchie.) But I sure am glad I did.

NOTCOT is freakin' amazing. If you love fashion, design, architecture, cool stuff, or any combination of those things, I think you'll really like this. is laid out like a blog and features the coolest of the cool. Design, techie stuff, toys, food & drink, fashion, home decor, and travel. You'll find all sorts of neat things featured here. is a massive collection of image links to tons of cool stuff. I could spend hours browsing through just a small fraction of the 470 pages of "snapshots" of stuff I never would be able to find on my own. Yes, 470 pages (that's 22, 197 links!) of stuff. And that number is constantly growing because users can submit their own links to things they think are cool.

Like fashion? There's NOTCOUTURE for your inspiration, time-passing, or procrastination needs.

Are you a lush who also happens to be a culinary glutton? You're covered. Liqurious and Tastespotting. (Caution: If you aren't already a gluttonous lush, you may very well be turned into one after looking at some of the drool-worthy photos of food & drink on those two sites. Proceed with care.)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The perfect yellow shoes

For my recently engaged friend, Joy, who LOVES the color yellow, I've found the perfect yellow shoes for her wedding day. Nevermind that she doesn't have a dress, or a set date and location, or that she's only been engaged for like two whole days. All of that doesn't matter when the shoe is this pretty.

From J. Crew. Hurry up and buy it, it's on sale!

Guilty pleasure of the day

CornNuts, original flavor. I saw these last night at our local 7-11 and felt compelled to buy it. Yes, compelled. Hasn't that ever happened to you before?
I know you're bad for me but you remind me of my happy childhood, those days when I could snack on anything I wanted and still not gain an ounce. Those were the good days.
Look, only three ingredients. And they're all natural. No preservatives, no words that are longer than five syllables, and none of that dreaded Yellow #5. See, it can't be all that bad for you...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pepsi, I don't miss you at all.

Last Friday, I celebrated my two week anniversary of being soda-free. =)

Pepsi, you have no control over me anymore!
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